Welcome! Thank you for visiting our parish. This is the digital space for the St. Mary Catholic community! Whether you've lived in Lowell for awhile or you are visiting us for the first time, we’re so glad you’ve decided to join our parish community.
We seek to be transformed by our encounter with the risen Lord Jesus in Word and Sacrament
so we may become authentic witnesses of the Gospel in our community.
Doors for the parish usually open about a half hour before Mass starts. Fellowship with coffee and donuts is often after the Sunday Mass. Please check the bulletin for all our scheduled community times. We have various ministries available in the parish so please don’t hesitate to ask any of our volunteers about ways to get connected.
Our office hours are Monday-Thursday 8am to 4:30pm (we are closed from noon to 1:00pm)
If you have been attending the parish for a while but have not yet registered, please take a moment to register. If you selected some of the options for getting involved or serving at the parish, someone will contact you about it. If you selected the option to have contribution envelopes mailed to you, those will arrive soon. Please contact the office if you do not get them or have any other questions about registering. We look forward to getting to know you. Registering at the parish also allows us to have your contact and giving preferences kept securely in our database so that we can send you your yearly tax receipts, as well as give you the opportunity to manage your mail and giving preferences.