Becoming Catholic / OCIA


“What is truth?”

-John 18:38

As Catholics, we believe that the Church has been given the fullness of truth. What does that mean? Why do Catholics do and say what they do each week at Mass? No matter where you are in your journey of faith, we are here to meet you there and walk with you. Fill out the form below and someone from our community will contact you.

Thank you for stopping by to learn more about becoming a Catholic Christian. No doubt, God has already been at work in your life, drawing you closer to Himself and His Church. If you would like the opportunity to become acquainted with the Catholic community, meet with others who are exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic and grow in your own relationship with God, St Mary Church welcomes you.

OCIA, which stands for the  Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is an extended period of evangelization (developing a relationship with Jesus Christ), catechesis (instruction in the faith), and spiritual formation (deepening in faith) in the Roman Catholic Church. Although it is primarily the process by which people become full members in the Catholic Church, OCIA welcomes serious inquirers at all levels of knowledge, faith and intent – in other words, you do not need to feel like you’re ready to become Catholic before you begin OCIA. Ultimately, though, the process culminates in the reception of one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and full membership in the Catholic Church.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Are you searching for:

  • A deeper relationship with God?
  • A sense of belonging in a faith community?
  • A greater fulfillment of your mission in life?
  • Are you yearning for something more in your life?
  • Are you unbaptized but recognize a need for spirituality in your life?
  • Are you baptized Catholic or baptized into another religion but never received any formal religious education?
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