Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion at Mass assist in the distribution of holy Communion when the number of ordinary ministers is insufficient to serve the assembly in a reverent manner. Assigning extraordinary ministers prevents the Communion Rite from becoming excessively long and out of proportion to the rest of the liturgy. Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion may also be employed to enable reception of holy Communion under both kinds. Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion at Mass or to the sick shall be baptized and confirmed Roman Catholics who are in full communion with the Catholic Church. They shall embody a mature Christian lifestyle of faith and charity, devotion and morality, service and stability, and live in ways that reflect both love for the Eucharist and love for and desire to serve Christ in others. The minimum age for an extraordinary minister of holy Communion is eighteen; high school seniors who have not reached the minimum age may be mandated to serve a Catholic high school or at Masses celebrated specifically for gatherings of youth. As the first phase, potential extraordinary ministers of holy Communion shall receive formation provided by the diocesan Office for Worship. This will be offered jointly for extraordinary ministers of holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and will focus on elements common to both mandates. b) After completing diocesan formation, potential ministers must undergo further training, provided by their parish or institution, specific to their desired mandate (at Mass or to the sick) and the customs and procedures observed where they will serve. This will include detailed instruction concerning the order and practice of distributing holy Communion. Training of extraordinary ministers to the sick will also involve apprenticeship to an experienced minister. c) Catechesis for this ministry should foster an appreciation for one’s baptismal vocation, an understanding of and devotion toward the Eucharist, and a firm grasp of the meaning of this extraordinary ministry.109 d) Parishes and institutions will provide opportunities for extraordinary ministers of holy Communion to receive ongoing formation and spiritual enrichment. If you desire to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please call the parish office and make an appointment with the parish priest. 616-897-9820 or office@stmarylowell.org.